Thank you for your interest in our online offer especially for fire protection retailers.
To whom the offer is directed
To our customers, fire protection retailers, commercial resellers and self-inspecting customers.
What you can expect
Around the clock you have access to, among other things
Technical documentation
spare parts lists, maintenance instructions
Information on all aspects of fire protection
The latest information on relevant laws, regulations and directives.
Online shop*
Our complete product range clearly structured with lots of information.
Spare parts lists online
All exploded views of our fire extinguishers with illustrated spare parts lists - and direct ordering function*.
* The shop function of the intranet is only available if your account has been activated for it.
What you have to do to get access
If you already have a customer number with DÖKA, you can open an online account. Follow this link to the registration page.
The customer no. is a mandatory field.
If you do not yet have a customer no. with us, please contact us first. Simply use our contact form or call us -Contact-.